How are Ethics and Politics related?

Politics defines the principles of a social system and should be based on human nature and the relevant environment. Only on this basis can an objective political system be achieved.

Political systems not created on that basis, become inconsistent and fraught with contradiction.

A basic political principle should be that no human has the right to initiate the use of physical force against another.

No human, gang, society or government should have the right to initiate physical force against anyone unless in retaliation, and only against the initiator.

Some political systems promote the freedom of individuals while others do not. It's easy to imagine which political systems would promote and respect an individual's moral code. By no means a complete list, but the dominant systems around the world currently include:
Communism, Democracy, Socialism.

Here, we must remember a writings of Vladimir Lenin in his work 'The State and Revolution' (1917), where he outlines his theory that socialism is a transitional phase between capitalism and communism. He argues that during the socialist phase, the proletariat must use the state to suppress the bourgeoisie and manage the economy. The ultimate goal, however, is to achieve a stateless, classless, and moneyless society, which he defines as communism.

Afghanistan is currently an example of a totalitarian emirate within the Islamic Theocracy.