How are Ethics and Climate Change related?

Irrespective of the cause for Climate Change, the question is what moral duty do humans have for dealing with it.

There is no doubt that human activity has increased the levels of CO₂ in the earth's atmosphere. There remains doubt as to what extent humans have contributed and therefore the required mediation.

In any case, humans must consider their impact on the earth as a serious subject and are morally obligated (as rational thinkers), to become more efficient with development and usage.

Each individual, business and nation, must consider more efficient ways to develop.

There is no 'silver bullet' to achieve a decrease in CO₂ emission growth, but the fastest path for humans to decrease CO₂ emissions is by Innovation. Banning the existing model will simply cause failures in health, safety and economic development.

All technology developments should also consider the resulting impact on the earth as well as the benefits for self, society and nation.

For example, Renewable energy is a great innovation, but if not implemented correctly by replacing equal Baseload power capacity, the innovation will cause massive failures in health, safety and the economic future for many.