How are Ethics and Discrimination related?

Discrimination occurs when an individual or group acts superior towards others and compromise their ability to act in the same way.

Discrimination becomes directly proportionate to the level of human rights abuse allowed (or caused), by the state. The less freedom an individual has, the more discrimination will occur.

When the state mandates that one group of individuals is allowed to act, but another group is not, that constitutes discrimination.

Discrimination creates an us-and-them scenario which manifests into abuse and creates mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

A classic example is the recent worldwide COVID-19 pandemic response by many states. The 'Covid-19 Inquisition' was established in February 2021 by the Global elites in an attempt to vaccinate as many humans as possible worldwide. Those who refused were ostracised from many parts of society, including their workplaces.

When the state makes laws to disallow unvaccinated individuals to work or to attend restaurants, cafes, shops, hair dressers and movie theatres, anger develops within the unvaccinated population and they will react negatively.

When the state mandates that all individuals be locked down until 80% of the population is vaccinated, resentment develops. The vaccinated resent the unvaccinated because the vaccinated fear the 80% level won't be reached.

When the risk of a hospital system collapsing was used by the state as the excuse to lock down people, you could tell that the state was not prepared. The state decided it could justify that the mandate was more important than the rights of any individual.

This risk could have been dealt with using emergency protocols to deal with sudden increases in demand, no matter what the cause.

This example resulted in pure discrimination based on vaccine status. It was created and promoted by the state and all individuals who supported the mandate were also complicit in discrimination. It was an abuse of human rights.